Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Q: What's worse than a bird photo?

A:  A bird photo without a bird.

Brain cancer is...

 ...persistent but not successful with a sighting today.

In the white tree, second from right, lurked a woodpecker.  That's a rare event for us at Craig Park.  Our chubby, red capped woodpeckers are frequent Fawnskin visitors.

They are also common at Carbon Canyon, where they drive the park rangers crazy by destroying wooden structures.  We suppose we grew to take them for granted. 

Today we stood and listened to the Craig Park woodpecker for ten full minutes.  A fellow walker joined us.  No success in sighting.  Boo!

It was a great day anyway. 

Really, how bad can life be if your biggest problem is having spent 10 minutes staring at a tree?

99% Kudos

Many of you wrote to us, congratulating Darrell on his incredible 99% Optune usage rate, reported yesterday.  Thank you warmly for appreciating. 

Darrell and I concluded that it's once every three to four days that I thank him for his courage and effort in wearing Optune.  I know I'm speaking for the team when I say, "Darrell, thank you for doing this every day." 

You and I know how to pick a winning team, right, Team Darrell?