Thursday, March 7, 2019

Water Watch (CA19-08)

Brain cancer is...

...marveling at much water.

With no precipitation falling, we headed back down to the lake for our walk.  It was cold (34 degrees), sure, but warmer than predicted for tomorrow. 

The lake is, of course, the lowest point in the immediate area, so much of the precipitation that falls drains to the lake.  (Side note: This is good because the lake is only fed by precipitation and melt.)

We were appreciative of just how much water was flowing to the lake as we walked our path.  Check out, for example, Stanfield marsh today as compared to on CA19-01.

Here’s CA19-01:

Here's today, a week later, CA19-08:

That is a lot of water!

Fawnskin is a relative high point in the area, so water heads downhill through Fawnskin on its way to the lake.  As we drove home, we continued to marvel at the flowing water.  This YouTube video (click here) is an example of how much water is just running down streets and gullies.

Keep it coming, water!

The clouds rolled in, and there's a chance of snow tonight.  We're back on weather watch, warm and cozy.

 Hope you are warm, cozy, and happy about water too.

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