Monday, March 25, 2019

Walk, Change, Work/Play, Rock it!

Brain cancer is...

 ...thankful for the power of verbs.

The title of this post captures our day perfectly.

First we walked.  Above, the pelicans seem to be either content or not speaking.  Hard to tell with pelicans.

Then we changed arrays, our first non-forest-view change in weeks.

We weren't complaining about the view though.  We also like how it appears that someone on the TV is assisting Darrell in the shave.

Next, Kristine came and we work/played.

It had been too long.  How productive/what fun!  So grateful for great friends.

Finally, Optune Amy sent Darrell's Optune usage stats.  Ready?

Ninety-nine percent, Friends!  Darrell rocked it!

We hope your Monday could also be captured in vigorous verbs!