Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Smileage Dial Is Rolling Fast

Brain cancer is...


...appreciating smiles everywhere.

Look at the fantastic smiles of these nine math-loving teachers, from our CMPF Institute.  We just happened to be eating lunch at the same food court, and they were sweet to say yes to a pic for the blog.  (Number 10 math-loving teacher took the photo.  Thirteen others ate elsewhere.)

Teachers:  You give us reasons every day to smile!

Elsewhere, Curt smiled his way through the day.  Here's his first pic:

Sure, he was on the way to work, but he commutes by scooter.  Definitely something to smile about!

And the Mayfield crowd wore big vacation smiles:

The smile in the middle?  It's on the face of Ed Hackbarth, an 86-year old person working behind the counter. Oh, and also, he's the founder of Del Taco.   Now there's a story you don't hear every day.

(Dear Mr. Hackbarth:  The Guillaumes love Del Taco.  Thanks for making us smile.)

1 comment:

  1. Smiles and tacos for everyone!
    Prugs! ~ Christine. xoxo
