Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Walk of the Long Shadows

Brain cancer is...

 ...avoiding the heat.

By delaying our walk until 5:30 p.m., we enjoyed a mild 92 degrees.  Late afternoon light is nice, isn't it?

Today Balance Quest was achieved.

Friends:  Always Having Our Backs!

I teach Block Four in the morning, and Kristine comes and teaches them in the afternoon.  You may recall that I had difficulties last Wednesday, getting all my stuff to the right place (here).  Kristine lived through my lack of lemons, and she knows:  you can't teach the lesson without the lemons!

Today at lunch she greeted me with an entire bag of lemons and lemon-related treats, such as lemon soap, Lemon Heads, and lemon water.  Now I have the lemons.

Friends!  Always having our backs!

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