Friday, September 13, 2019

Things We Are Considering Not Doing Anymore

Brain cancer is...

 ...thinking about things we might stop doing.

We had a great breakfast and lunch with LuAnn then Gordon. 

Then we started thinking about some things we should probably not do anymore.  Here is a non-exhaustive, nonbinding list:

1.  Onion Rings.  (Above.)  When did we start eating onion rings?  They are against everything we believe in.

2.  The Dew.   At some point, Darrell started drinking diet Mtn Dew again.

He said it makes him feel sick, and plenty of websites (here) say it's the worst diet soda you can drink.  (Aside:  It's still better than full sugar sodas, so let's not judge.)

3.  Dove dark chocolate with almonds.  I know we promised you a candy bowl but...

...I might need to put it away.  Years ago, when Gwen gave up candy, so did Andi.  Now I eat three Dove pieces a day.  When did that happen?  Dove chocolate might need to go.

4.  One-click shopping.  Every day (even Sunday) a package arrives at our door.  Darrell wanted to say that I have a problem with one-click shopping.  Then he discovered he could get new kicks without going to the store. 

Now he admits that it's a dual obsession.  One-click shopping might be the last thing to go.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with number two. An ONLY number two.
    Love you both! Christine xoxo
