Wednesday, January 8, 2020

5,000 Miles!

Brain cancer is...

 ...the wizard of walking.

As of today, we have walked 5,000 miles post diagnosis.*  We started counting our mileage in December 2016, when we got our current fit bit tracker.  You see the record of our miles above.

Darrell did all 5,000 of those miles with brain cancer.  In fact, he did them all while he was treating his brain cancer, with Optune.  You're a Walking Wizard, Darrell Guillaume!

In a happy accident of timing, Darrell's story came out today in the St. Jude Health Matters the lead piece.

Darrell's comment was, "There's just no escaping my celebrity status."

They shot photos of us doing what we do:  walking.  Here's one pic from the piece.

And here's a link to the article, if you're interested.

More news:  Today is Darrell's 47-month cancerversary.  Celebrity status?  Firmly cemented.

Walk on, Team D!

*In Point of Fact: We've actually walked more than 5,000 miles post diagnosis.  We were walking somewhere in Chicago in May, 2016 when I lost our first fit bit, so we don't get credit for those first months of miles. Apparently I'm not quite over it.


  1. Celebrities!! Happy to see your story being shared in the medical community.

  2. Thanks for sharing the celebrations with us, C!!
