Saturday, February 15, 2020

Zion from Bottom to Top

Brain cancer is...

...amazed to find a hat that fits, right there at the Zion Visitor Center!

(Yes, a similar one left the store with us. A cool thing about this hat:  It's soakable.  Curt's currently trying to decide if it's safe for Optune users to soak it.  We're standing by. Don't look for the new hat in today's photos. It's for special occasions, like dinner.)

Today was amazing in the canyon, from bottom:
to top:

What a day!  Then we headed to Bryce, where the landscape changed dramatically.

One final bit of happiness:  With all the hiking, we had dessert at dinner yesterday and today.  Today was five-fruit pie (including rhubarb!) and ice cream.  Not sorry!

And to day is only Day Three.  We hope your Saturday was happiness-filled as well, Team D!