Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday Wit and Wisdom

Brain cancer is...

...enjoying your wit and wisdom.

Darrell is, above, smiling at the good ideas you are sharing with us.

This Emerson quote, shared by Chris, was an Easter egg message. It says, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded." 

By the way, we finished reading all the egg messages and thoroughly enjoyed each of them. They provided a great combination of inspirations, personal best wishes, and plenty of fun facts about jelly beans, Peeps, and chocolate.

Speaking of chocolate, Meridyth shared the message she received in her Dove chocolate: "Buy both."  Words to live by!

And when the Case Crew took a family hike the other day, they captured this gem:

Finally, in this month's AARP magazine, Michael J. Fox shared his tips for living with adversity. As you know, Fox has lived with Parkinson's Disease for 26 years and is surprising many with his long and robust life. His tips really resonated with us.

Thanks for these great messages, Team D, and Happy Wise, Witty Wednesday!

Bonus Content

For the fun fact lovers in the house: Darrell wants you to know that, above, he was prepping for his 90th array change. Fun for sure! Keep' em coming!

1 comment:

  1. "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

    That is my favorite quote of all time! It gets me through everything.
