Saturday, April 7, 2018

Andi's Big Day Off

Brain cancer is...

 ...not the boss of me.

In the wee hours of the morning, we decided that today would be Andi's Big Day Off.  Here's how that goes:

  1. Start the night before with a celebration with Mr. and Dr. Mayfield.  Here is Dr. Mayfield with her celebratory dessert and balloon.


2.  Stay in bed, texting friends, until 11 a.m.
3.  Skip breakfast and have Thai for lunch.
4.  Go on an art hunt:  Office Depot, Blick, and Michael's...
5.  ...but minimize the steps.  Keep it under 2,000 steps (1 mile).  Of course don't run or work out.
6.  Enjoy Twisted Vine for your fifth meal in a row out.  But mostly go to Twisted Vine to look into this face:

I have more plans, including a fire in the fireplace, but nothing is as important as the above face, so I'll stop here.

I hope you are the boss of you today too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Team D for an incredible celebration. That was the best raspberry-lemon-thing I've ever tasted!
