Saturday, April 14, 2018

Friends and Fitness

Brain cancer is...

Yes, that's the ocean.

 ...100% supportive.

Shortly after Darrell's diagnosis, people began asking me, "Yes, but how do you take care of yourself?"  It bugged me.

When people asked me that question, it felt like I was on 24/7 care.  When I wasn't taking care of Darrell, I should be taking care of myself.  What does any of us do to "take care of me"? Maybe nobody should be on 24/7 care.  Maybe we should be taking care of each other.

Now I can admit it.  The fact that I was bugged by this caring question is representative of the fact that I was pretty angry after Darrell's diagnosis.  (Long time readers will remember me wanting to punch someone--anyone--in the face.  Click here for an illustrative post.) 

Now, more than two years later (brain cancer old!), I can recognize the true question that people were asking me when they asked, "How do you take care of yourself?"  People wanted to know that I was okay.  "How are you staying healthy?" is what people wanted to know...physically, mentally, emotionally healthy. (Click here if you want to broaden your definition of "health" beyond these four facets of health.)

You know my major answer to that question:  "I'm spending time with my husband.  And he is spending time with me."

But when I trained to run my 5.5 miles for my 55th birthday last August, I learned something new about myself:  How do I take care of myself?  Fitness.  And that realization brought forth another that had been lurking just under the surface.  How do I take care of myself?  I hang with my friends.

Friends* have never been more important to me (singular) or to us (plural) as they are now. 

Today Darrell and I celebrated fitness and friends with a heavy dose of both for me.  Fellow Adventure Girl Denise and I hiked 11 miles and an equivalent of 81 flights of stairs at Crystal Cove.  Above you see us at the summit.  Enough said.  But if you'd like to enjoy the incredible beauty of the hike, check out the slideshow version by clicking here.

I am thankful for my friends, for fitness, for a beautiful world, and for my husband Darrell who is 100% supportive of my health.

PS...I am also thankful that while Denise and I hiked, Darrell mowed both lawns and did the grocery shopping.

*"Friends" include all the people we love and who love us, including the people we also call "family."

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