Monday, July 22, 2019

It's 8:42, and...we're out!

Brain cancer is...

 ...efficiently declared stable at UCLA.

Darrell's appointment was at 8:30.  By 8:42, he had had his neuro exam, seen Dr. Cloughesy, talked about upcoming news  in the GBM treatment world, and scheduled his next appointment. Dr. Cloughesy runs an efficient practice!

Here are Dr Cloughesy's comparisons of the April scan (left) and the July scan (right).

The light blue loops show the only area of "enhancement" in Darrell's brain:  right at the tumor site.  The areas look the same over time.  Hurrah.  It always feels great to get Dr. Cloughesy's expert proclamation.

Tomorrow's appointment with Dr. Park will conclude Cancer Course, July 2019.

Happy Stable Monday, Team D!

Post script:  California sunset by Curt


  1. Stability is a good thing! Prugs! Christine xoxo

  2. Do you even RECOGNIZE the importance of what you just said? : )
    Love you!
