Monday, July 29, 2019


Brain cancer is... of several wild things.

Pizza for lunch on our trip back home today was at Woodstock, near UCSB.  Lennie and Christine chose it to recreate a favorite meal in recent history.  Zach said the place--and the wild things, above--were a notable part of his UCSB experience.  How fun to step into other's past worlds.

Today's post title, Wine-derful, is by former Block 21 awesome teachers and Team D members, Brooke and Nicole.  (You captured our trip perfectly in one new word, Nicole and Brooke!)

Here's the trip in a few highlights:
Wine?  Every day.
Dessert?  Every day.

Art?  Every day.

Exercise?  Zero days. (Not sure what happened there.)
Dancing, great conversation, views, and laughs?  Every day.


Thanks for holding down the fort in our absence, Team D.  Happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. My fitness pal counts dancing as exercise. Just sayin'.
    ~Christine xoxo
