Sunday, August 25, 2019

"I'm Just the Muscle!"

Brain cancer is...

 ..."just the muscle."

Darrell helped me prep for the first day of class.  We got out of the EC building by 7 p.m.  Good thing he has so much muscle!*

Look at this amazing plant we saw on our way out.  So many colors on a single bush.

 Happy first day of school, Titans!

*Counsel:  Please note that I heeded all regulations and paid Darrell prevailing wages.


  1. Thank you for your diligence in noting that prevailing wages are being honored, however with each new academic year comes new demands and renegotiations may need to be considered. After consultation with my client, we will provide a list of reasonable and justifiable terms. We seek to examine the current situation and invite a fair exposure of all common and opposing interests. A timely and civil resolution to items not initially agreed upon is, we believe, in the best interest of all parties.

  2. Have your people call my people.
    --Boss lady

  3. As a reminder, and in appreciation, the minimum time lapse between work shifts agreed upon for my client is indeed, twelve hours. Thank you for your diligence.

  4. Although Darrell is laughing out loud, Andrea is ever vigilant and appreciative of safe working conditions...and of an incredible partner.

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