Wednesday, October 16, 2019

“Four and a Baby”

Brain cancer is...

...having lunch with Tiana, Nova, and Alex. 

Darrell and Andi filled Tuesday so far over the top that we could spend most of the day today with kids and grand kid.

When the hostess checked us in at the State, above, we heard new words from our son’s mouth: “Four and a baby.”

Nova is eight days old today.  Here are some other sweet moments of the day.

To finish, Nova's love of literature has grown exponentially, as you see in her appreciation of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Poor Nova and family...overexposed already.  Good thing it's an hour's drive, or this blog would become, "Nova Is..."

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh... an angel in our midst! She's precious! Prugs!
    ~Christine xoxo
