Monday, October 21, 2019

Two Kinds of Good Monday

Brain cancer is...

 ...satisfied to spend the day puttering.

Darrell and I led primarily separate lives today, but as a result we accomplished two kinds of good Monday.

Darrell enjoyed puttering, doing things like laundry and yard care. He did some seeding for the dry patches in the backyard.  However, I took the picture, above, just because I think Darrell's yard is so pretty. (And it's my only glimpse of the outdoors today.)

I spent my day at the computer.   It's crunch time for all the grading that comes with college teaching.

We did spend some time together in pursuit of a new purple shirt.
Click!  See you in two days, purple shirt!

And now we'll close the day with our favorite:  Holding-hands-on-the-couch time.

Hope you had your own kind of good Monday, Friends!

Southern Skellies

Melanie is at Air Force school in the South.  She notes that Air Force school appears to be hard on skellies.

Point taken.  Also in the South, Roene's tiny skellies seem to be focused on greeting her guests with a little of that famous Southern hospitality.

Love 'em.


  1. Agreed! Darrell's yard is so pretty and we feel confident that because the description of our client's day included "enjoyed puttering" that contract compliance was maintained and thus the CBA continues to be upheld. Much appreciated.

  2. Darrell's best interests are central to our efforts, always. You're welcome.
