Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We are mall walkers!?!

Brain cancer is...

 ...changing our official position on mall walking.

We were glad for the time we spent with our parents this morning, and we had our gear packed for park walking for directly after we left Gordon and LuAnn.  However, the rain was still coming down hard when we arrived in Brea.

We had a choice:  No walk or mall walk.  Tough one.

When we are together, Darrell and I tend to avoid the mall. And we especially don't like to be there when we are forced to walk there:  In the heat of the summer (as in at this link).  We have found the mall to be an assault on all of our senses.  Plus no birds.  Or squirrels.

Our biggest surprise of the day was how much we enjoyed our five miles at the mall. (Side note:  To get in five miles, we walked the perimeter of the mall proper and as well as the perimeter of every store with more than one door in and out.  On every floor.)

It wasn't crowded (thanks to one-click shopping?), the music was jaunty, no one sprayed us with perfume, and the holiday decorations were fun.

One more bonus of mall walking?

 No park, to date, has what the mall had today:  The perfect boots!

Mall walking:  It's a matter of perspective.

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