Sunday, August 21, 2016

Both Hemispheres Disappeared

Brain cancer is...

...making conversations infinitely more interesting.

You probably know that "hearing" has never been Darrell's or my super sense, and we continue to lose our hearing a decibel at a time. 

Hearing loss + Darrell's speech difficulties = interesting conversations
Here are two examples from our walk today:

Darrell heard:  "Both hemispheres disappeared."
Andi intended:  "Our homeless friends disappeared."

Andi heard:  "She's taking her phone number for a walk in the park."
Darrell intended:  "She's dressed quite formally for a walk in the park."


Okay.  One more:

Andi heard:  "I'll try to be more spicy."
Darrell intended:  "I'll try to be less bossy."

Too bad.  I prefer "more spicy" to "less bossy."

Just imagine the conversation we had about the bird, pictured above.


  1. You make me smile Andi! Wishing you and Darrell many smiles on Monday.

  2. Did you say you want to run a mile, Donna? : ) Many thanks!

  3. Gilda Radner-Miss Emily Litella

  4. It worked great when we copy/pasted it, Kathie. "What's all this fuss about me doing a show with the muffins?" Great call!
