Thursday, August 11, 2016

The World from Six Inches

Brain cancer is...

...appreciating the world from different perspectives.

Beowulf walked 4.16 miles at Craig Park today.  We've never before considered how the world looks from the height of 6 inches. When we did today, we discovered that our regular walk includes this six-inch-tall dog water fountain, pedal operated.  It was a great reminder to hang out with those whose perspectives differ from our own.

Love you Beowulf.

Post script:  I cut my hair shorter.  If short is good, then shorter is better. 

And now for the important stuff.

Cancer Updates and Other Cool Things

1.  After a huge electric bill last month, we applied for a baseline reduction from SCE.  If approved, we'll get more KwH at the lowest rate.  Also we are opening the windows at night...just in case SCE says "no go."  And also because the world should not be this hot.

2.  We paid off the mortgage at 1013 N. Cornell Ave, Fullerton Ca.  "Pd in full."  Booyah!

3.  We celebrated [to be accurate, continued celebrating] Darrell's Bday in earnest, with [more] Thai. We always get the same thing, and it's always delicious. 
Side note:  Our server sat with us and talked about Darrell and his health.  The server is Thai.  He concluded that, in the Thai culture, "More kids = More happy."  Enough said.

4.  When we returned home, we found that Tiana had intercepted the FedEx delivery from the Welshons to a...Chad?...Guillaume.  Y'all remember Chad? 
We know you want to know what's in the box.  Not telling.  Come over.  But don't walk behind the firing range.

Tomorrow is the official day, D's 56th Birthday.  Darrell points out that, statistically, this would be his last birthday.  But we are planning to blow those statistics out of the water.  And that is worth celebrating!

Please. Enjoy  8/12/16...on us!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The celebration shall continue for the king of August 2016 and BEYOND!!! I just felt the mighty wave from the stats being blown out of the water. Massive prugs to you, birthday boy!

  2. Numbers are not individuals and Darrell is not average. Hete to a great 57th year ,
