Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Celebrating the Little Things

Brain cancer is...

...continuing to celebrate the little things.

Giving Darrell a hug in the pic, above, is neighbor and great friend, Kathie.  In her hand is Chemo Dose 12--the Final Dose--which arrived today.  (He'll start taking it 3/13.)
Just in case it appears we're making much ado about nothing (much), we wanted you to know about the Guillaume family tradition of celebrating the little things.  Life, even in the best of circumstances, is hard.  Our family has always celebrated the steps and stops of the journey instead of solely celebrating the destinations. For example, we don't wait until we get the job, we celebrate getting the interview. We don't wait to celebrate the publication until it hits the press; we celebrate the first draft.  And if any step or stop in the journey comes with an email or happy note, we display it prominently in the Amana Gallery (on the fridge, using a magnet).

Another reason we celebrate the arrival of Dose 12?  Chemotherapy is our friend, we know.  It's part of the treatment, not the enemy.  However, to state the obvious, anything strong enough to kill cancer cells can also be toxic to healthy cells.  Here's a pic of the bag that came with Darrell's final dose today. The symbol, below, is the "biohazard" graphic with the "C" for chemotherapy to indicate the precise nature of the biohazard.

Darrell's feeling like a serious cancer warrior to be swallowing stuff that mere mortals must place into transport bags with biohazard symbols. 

What are you celebrating today?

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