Monday, March 6, 2017


Brain cancer is...

...getting zapped.

Darrell had an Optune data download today.  He remains in the ninety-percent range for his daily treatment average (94%).  Go Darrell!  Of course he inspected the data, above, to determine the cause of the slight drop in usage from last month.  We conclude that it might have been the "extra" (unscheduled) array change at the cabin, necessitated by faulty arrays.  You can see the shorter red bars every few days.  Those are the days we change arrays.  Array changes drop usage from 100% down to 90%.  He's not feeling too badly, though, to remain above 90% compliant. 

Team D., tomorrow is Darrell's regularly scheduled MRI.  He's feeling particularly anxious about this scan because results could change our numerous upcoming travel plans.  Please send any calming, quiet thoughts you have Darrell's way.  The MRI is scheduled for 1 p.m., PST.

This is a big cancer eradication week as we gear up for his blood work, doctors' visits, and chemo next week.

Thanks for your good thoughts.  We hope you feel our good thoughts for you coming your way too.


  1. Still sending lots of calming thoughts and prugs! xoxo

  2. Thanks, Christine! We received both batches. They worked!
