Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fight on, Sisters. Fight On!

Brain cancer is...

...supporting the fight against breast cancer.

After the math institute today, Darrell accompanied me for my annual routine mammogram. Every direction we turn in our lives, we find breast cancer faced by the women we love.  It's probably the same for you.  Here's a shout out to all the women (and men) who have faced this disease.  We're in your corner!

And to my "sisters" who haven't yet had a recommended routine screening, Darrell would now like to pull the guilt card.  He would have given a lot for a screening that could have caught his cancerous tumor earlier. 

(Okay, okay, we know that doesn't even make sense.  But if it motivates anyone to get a routine cancer screening that's available, then the illogic is worth the price. Get your screenings, friends.)

Bonus Content

At 16 months post diagnosis and 501 blog posts, we are taking great pleasure in writing about things this year that we also wrote about last year.  Examples include Father's Day, Math Institutes, and mammograms.  Here's to "one more time!"  Until the next time!

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