Thursday, August 3, 2017

Epic Birthday for Andi

Brain cancer is...

...surrounded by so many loving people!

What a day! If you haven't had an epic birthday and you have a hankering for one, text me.  I have firsthand experience.  I can make it happen.

Here's the video of the day.


The 5.5 mile run went well.  The humidity did not stop me.  I had a chase car and a crowd (um, three people and a dog) at the finish line.  There was an egg hunt and a birthday haiku poetry slam on the patio.  Snaps.

The 55 push ups?  Done!  Target trip? A fav.  Art supplies and Black Bear Diner too.  

Upon arrival home, we had been "birthdayed" (which is apparently a verb, much like "Eastered.") Super hero birthday!  Above is a sneak peek of the many thoughtful goodies for the day.  Thank you so much, friends.  Call us if you ever need rescuing.  We've got the gear.  And the attitude.

Zach and I made art, Darrell and I went on a date, and we are declaring this day celebrating another trip around the sun one deserving of love and gratitude.

Thanks everyone for your happy thoughts expressed through cards, emails, texts, and actions.   

Fifty five is fantastic. Whatever your year, we hope it's fantastic too!

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