Sunday, September 30, 2018

One More Day!

Brain cancer is...

 ...staying one more night.

Above is the current view from our suite, 4:40 p.m.  Late last night Darrell agreed to one more day of vacation.  Bonus Day!  Yuss!

As per usual, Geoff and Beth agreed to the ride.  Here's how the day unfolded:

Thank you, Beth and Geoff for molding the patterns of your lives to the patterns of ours during the past 31 months as we learned to negotiate brain cancer. 

Thank you, Team D, for the space you have made for us. 
And for the love that you have shared.

Vacation: One More Day!!


  1. Go Pack Go! We don't CARE how easy you make it look! (Sorry Kathie and Franceen. But not that sorry.)
