Sunday, January 20, 2019

Fantasies of Lunch

Brain cancer is...

 ...newly appreciative of the meal we call "lunch."

At Mile 5 of our walk today, we thought the title of today's post would be "the Santa Ana River Trail."  You see the tree-lined trail to the left of the bike lanes, above.  Back at Mile 5, we thought this new-to-us trail would be the most interesting part of our day.

Then we started getting hungry.  We packed plenty of water, but we seriously under packed enough food to sustain us on a four-hour walk.  We know!  That's a newbie mistake! We don't know how it happened.  We compounded our error by planning the walk to span lunchtime, so not only did we not have enough snacks, we also missed a meal.

At Mile 7, we fantasized about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  At Mile 8, we started walking very close to family parties with hot dogs on the grill.  None fell.  At Mile 9, Darrell said, "I wonder what egret tastes like."

Then we just stumbled through to the end of Mile 11.   

We love you, lunch!