Friday, January 25, 2019

S'More Friday Fun

Brain cancer is...

 ...enjoying S'More Splurge Friday.

During this highly disciplined week, we designated today as splurge day.  There's nothing splurgier than table side s'mores, agreed?

Cheers for breakfast with Gordon!
(Don't be alarmed.  Darrell wouldn't really drink a pink mimosa.  It was Andi's, and it was quite refreshing.)
Lunch with LuAnn was equally enjoyable.
 Splurge Day ended at Islands with the Mayfields.
Some days selfies are harder than others.

We're back at it tomorrow, which is a long walk day.  Don't worry.  We're prepared.  See?

Treat yourselves, Team D!


  1. Thank goodness...not tempted by hot dogs.

  2. Happy to hear that you are prepared. Throw in a couple PBJ sandwiches, too! Enjoy tomorrow!

  3. Thanks, Meridyth and Denise. Made it!!

  4. A well-deserved SPLURGE DAY!
    ~Christine :)
