Thursday, January 3, 2019

There Goes Christmas!

Brain cancer is...

 ...making way for the next round of celebrations.

Above you see our magical Christmas tree, dry and stripped of its decorations.   Emphasis on the word "dry."

As I worked to box ornaments, Darrell admonished, "Do not be alarmed."  Then he used a leaf blower to rid the living room of pine needles. 

Darrell also took down the outdoor lights and...wait for it...

...carefully wound the lights on a spool, in anticipation of his involvement in Christmas Four.  Yuss!

(PS:  Darrell is reading this post over my shoulder saying, "You can't make this stuff up!"  True that, thankfully.)



  1. After checking contract language, all jobs noted are within hours of work and rest laws. Well done, Darrell! The spooled lights look fantastic.

  2. Really? He's cleared to use a leaf blower in the house? I question your integrity. -A. M. Guillaume
