Friday, March 6, 2020

And the Winner Is...

Brain cancer is...

 ...finished with our highlights reel.

Here's the link to our Southwest Explorations:  Highlights slideshow.  Unfortunately, it's almost eight minutes long.  Fortunately, in it we share our "Best" awards for several categories.  Above you see the winner in one category.  But which?

And with that, we conclude our processing of our magical mystery tour of the Southwest and visit to see Zach and Summer.  (Well...almost concluding...there is a potential large scale artwork composed largely of travel maps under consideration...)

 Happy Friday, Friends! 



  1. THANK YOU for all your efforts to share this magnificent adventure with us! The highlight reel is incredible. Wish it was longer!!! Soooooo many gorgeous pics! If there is to be an award for the best award and team members are given a vote, mine goes to the "Best Face-Time award!" Even on the screen, she is too cute for her own good! Prugs! xoxo

  2. Thank YOU for making me feel better for the length of our show! And hands DOWN Nova takes any award for which she has been nominated. She's such a ham!
