Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Designs by Darrell

 Brain cancer is..

...rethinking the big bedroom.

Above you see the larger of our two bedrooms, which we now claim as "ours" given the addition of our new, queen-sized "hotel bed." This photo shows how the room looked this morning.  Plenty of sleeping space, not much space for moving around.

Flash back to one dismal day, about four years ago:  It was a very wet season here in Big Bear, and we actually felt water squelch through our feet as we walked through this room (a clogged French drain, we think).  Upstairs, we plugged something into a socket and a large spark leapt from the outlet.  It was a low point, that day,  especially given the uncertain future we faced with Darrell's diagnosis.

Flash forward to a day about a week ago:  We had one of those light bulb moments when we realized that we should arrange the cabin in ways that fit our way of life.  We decided that Darrell should design the bedroom the way he likes it.  

Imagine, dear friends, what a different place in time that represents for us, where we were four years ago (soggy socks) and where we are today (He's decorating!). It's not something we saw in our future.

If you know Darrell, you know his style:  Minimalist.  It's a work in progress, but here's how the big bedroom looks now:

And from the other side:

Envision, if you can, what might happen next with Darrell's design.

Here's to today and to tomorrow!

Today's Blooms

Afternoon at the Stanfield Marsh, where deciduous trees and conifers represent.

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