Thursday, November 5, 2020


 Brain cancer is...


We're still listening to election returns, and the weather is changing.  There's a good chance that snow will hit this weekend, which is perfect timing for Beth and Geoff to join us.

We decided we'd better start hunkering now.

Hunkering led to two discoveries today:

We brought up mismatched weights.  I think it would be better to just avoid working out than to develop potentially lopsided musculature.  Darrell is developing work arounds.  I say, "better safe than sorry."

Team D is appreciating Shadow, the black bear footstool.  (We know its name is Shadow because it came with a name tag. Of course.)  

Gail thought maybe Shadow could learn to roll over, if we exercise loving patience in our instruction.  Here's how it's going so far.

Happy Hunkering, Team D!

Today's Blooms

Roene is appreciating the hibiscus's autumn efforts, before the Alabama frost:


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