Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Too Many Thanks for One Day (aka Thanksgiving 2020-01)

Brain cancer is...

...lobbying for extending the Thanksgiving holiday.

Darrell and Andrea hereby propose extending 2020 Thanksgiving to a period no fewer than three days.

All of you we've talked to launch immediately and energetically into gratitude talk.  Clearly we are all feeling grateful for how much goodness fills our lives, despite (or because of?) the absolute wildness of 2020.  One day of celebrations just won't do.

We invite you to join us this year in extending (not curtailing) the holiday.  

Final note on this matter:  It goes without saying that we make this request because we're the boss of us and NOT because COVID is limiting gathering sizes.  Clearly and unquestionably not. 
Thanksgiving 2020-01:  Grateful for Gordon and LuAnn

We talked for hours outdoors with each parent, after missing three weeks of their company. Wonderful!  

Because we saw Gordon and LuAnn today and not tomorrow, we left them with homemade tiny pies and mini ice creams.  

For those of you who might struggle to believe that Andi made pies twice in one year (first peach basil pie for birthday month and now tiny pies), here's the evidence:

Mostly we just like saying "tiny pies."

Here's to you and all you're grateful for on whichever day this is in your gratitude sequence, Team D!

Today's Blooms

Gordon's azalea

LuAnn's begonia

About the begonia:  Its leaves have polka dots.

If I ever sprout leaves, let them have polka dots.  Polka dot leaves are as good as tiny pies.

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