Monday, May 14, 2018

Life's Circles

Brain cancer is...

...(still) loving the Inland Empire.

The Inland Empire (the IE, for short, comprised of  Riverside and San Bernardino Counties) served as a beginning for us.  We began our careers there in 1983/4, Darrell as a fluid flow engineer, Andi as a middle school teacher.  We began our married life there, and a month after our wedding, we began our friendship there with the Szabos, as Beth and Andi were teaching partners.

Thirty four years later, we are appreciating the IE all over again.  This weekend with Beth and Geoff was much more elegant than our weekend hijinks of three decades ago, that's for certain.  

And check out our tee shirts, above:  Emergency Medicine, Loma Linda.  We would never have guessed.  Thirty four years ago, who knew there would be an Alex...or a Tiana?  Who knew they would land in the IE?  We love life’s circles.

Not a bad Monday here.  How was yours?

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