Sunday, May 6, 2018

We ARE Pacific Crest Trail hikers! (CA18_15)

Brain cancer is...

To the Trail Head
A Few Miles Up:  At the PCT!

...back from the Trail.

Today the Welshons and Guillaumes hiked to the PCT and spent some time on the trail before hiking back down to celebrate with pizza.

We don't know how much better life could get.

Watch the video if you'd like to see scenes from the adventure, including our first Big Bear rattlesnake...ever.

video link
Alternate YouTube Link

Keep calm.  Hike on.


  1. Perfect! . . . except for the snakes :o/

  2. DEFINITELY thought of you when we found the snake. :) it was just a baby though.

  3. Recommended practice: Avoid rattlers, including babies. Check it out here:
