Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Six Crunchy Tacos and a Large Iced Tea, Please."

Brain cancer is...

...winning everyday victories.

Everyone works.  I'm doing some curriculum development for my department, so Darrell worked hard on home projects like getting the car smogged.  (Yes, Christine, I know you'll be considering this information as a re-opener in upcoming talks.)

Darrell came home with Del Taco for lunch.  Everyday victory:  He went through the drive through. He made himself understood via that speaker, which I surmise none of us holds as an "easy exercise in clear communication" activity.

It's the first time Darrell's taken the drive through solo, and it strikes me as a very brave thing to do. 

Thanks, Darrell, for continuing to try things that seemed impossible for us a couple years ago.

(No pressure on the rest of us, right Team D?)


  1. Heartwarming! The always inspiring Darrell strikes again!

  2. Information needed:
    1. Is the vehicle my client got smogged used by my client? Is it a shared vehicle?
    2. Have the Kit Kat and Twix bars been added to the Guillaume candy bowl? (photographic evidence requested)
    Your timely response to these items is appreciated as we calendar the next round of negotiations.

  3. Denise: Thank you for appreciating. We love you!
    Christine: Too darn funny for a response. I will meet all terms and conditions that you and your client deem necessary and sufficient. IF you can make it through the Del Taco drive through solo.
