Wednesday, December 19, 2018

C U later, CSUF!

Brain cancer is...

 ...driving the getaway car.

Above you see what it looks like to leave the last meeting of Andi's fall 2018 semester.  Drive, Darrell!  Drive, drive, drive!

The grading is not quite finished.  And it's been an incredible--intense and incredible--semester with amazing students and beloved colleagues.  Andi looks forward to coming back in fall 2019.  But some "not working" is in order right about now.

Bonus Content

As of today, Darrell has two pairs of functional tennies... the same time.  Huge news.

Walk on, Team D.


  1. Sweet kicks, Darrell! Congrats, Andi! Prugs to all!
    ~Chrisstine :)

  2. His kicks ARE sweet, but perhaps Darrell needs assistance in negotiating for a pair of lightweight Sorrel snow boots. I can't do this job alone!
