Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Date 2018

Brain cancer is...

 ...celebrating Christmas with our annual date.

Tonight the Szabos joined us for Christmas Date (above).  We enjoyed our traditional Cat and the Custard Cup.

The history of Christmas Date?  When our kids insisted on growing up and doing their own things, we started a new tradition.  Christmas Date is a fancy meal out, parents only.  (Here's the link to the post for Christmas Date 2017, with a shout out to the first post-diagnosis Christmas Date, 2016.) 

The light was low in the restaurant, so here's Christmas Date 2018 one more time.

Hurrah for another Christmas!  Hurrah for traditions!  Hurrah for friends!

Bonus Content

Today we Christmas shopped. 

These guys acted like they knew each other. 


  1. Does Darrell's new friend need representation? If so, please forward my contact information.

  2. Darrell's new bestie blows fire out the NOSTRILS! Full disclosure. Safety hazard publicly posted.

  3. Sounds like Darrell's new buddy can defend himself. Note taken.

  4. Are you NOT concerned about ANDREA'S safety? What kind of monster ARE you?

  5. Have you met YOU? You are the bad A$$ that can tame fire-breathing dragons and their counterparts enough to pose for a photo op! You are the original Wonder Woman!
