Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Nimble Christmas Elf

Brain cancer is...

 ...putting up the holiday lights.  Again.

Team D, we recognize that many people have holidays other than Christmas, and we hope that any holiday that is yours is just what you hope.

For us:  We love Christmas, and it's that time of year already.  Hooray!

Somehow yesterday's news of GJ's recurrence heightens our recognition that Darrell has been granted another bonus Christmas.*  This is Christmas Three post diagnosis.  Just because we can, we share here links to the posts from...

In the post for Christmas Two, Darrell admitted that, in cleaning up after Christmas One, he just threw lights in boxes because he thought he would not be here to deal with the mess when time came to put up the lights for Christmas Two.

He wants you to know that, after Christmas Two, he was very careful to put away the lights in a highly organized fashion.  As a result, putting them up today for Christmas Three was quite smooth.

A great problem to have:  Seeing another Christmas.

Thanks for seeing it with us, Team D. 

The Finished Product.  Bravo!

*Thank you, Darrell, for being willing to risk life and limb in the name of Christmas as you stood on the planter to hang the lights. And assure your counsel, please, that your wife did all she could to ensure that all required safety provisions were in place.  You undertook this activity of your own free will and refused offers of further accommodations for safety.  Further, you completed the work within contractually allowed hours.


  1. Counsel appreciates this careful documentation of those items outside the typical responsibilities and duties of my client. Please note that contract hours are paid at a rate of 1.5 during the holiday season which spans December 1 to December 25.

  2. What a coincidence! My rates TOO are 1.5 during the holiday season, which spans December 1 through April 1.
