Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Four-generation Fun

 Brain cancer is...

...the sandwich generation.

It's been months since Gordon and LuAnn (Gen 1 in our families) have seen Nova in person.  Lots of changes in those months!

Morning was breakfast with Gordon.

Cheers! (Gens 2, 1, and 3)
Gen 1 and 4 Bears (Alex got the pic.)

Gen 4 filled the cute pink boots with acorns.  Someone had to.

Alex scouted out tree house territory for the future.

Lunch was in Fullerton with LuAnn

LuAnn gave Nova many birthday books, beginning her political education appropriately early.  
The admiration between the two was mutual.

With the pink boots full of acorns, Nova switched to sneakers.  These were her daddy's first shoes.  
Glad we didn't bronze them.  (Yes, Nova is an expert in cords.)

Skelly was very gentle in meeting Nova today.

Christine:  Please use these images to shame the twins into better behavior.

 Hope your Wednesday was as fun filled as ours!

Today's Bloom

The Peace Lily blooms again. Still timely.


  1. The Twins are scoffing at what they think is weakness from the elder skelly. They are very immature! (and remain in TIME OUT!)

  2. Being immature by oneself is pretty natural. Scoffing and being immature with an identical twin? The stuff of nightmares.

  3. I love how Nova is engaging Skelly without trepidation...

  4. Nova is quite social. She always has a go-to conversation starter. Currently she opens a conversation with talk about noses, as in, "Here is my nose. And I see you have a lovely nose as well!" (She does it with hand signals, which are of course universal.) You see her wowing Skelly in the first pic above with the nose starter. Works every time!
