Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My Husband, the Schemer

 Brain cancer is...

...always working an angle.

I invited Darrell out to lunch today after my class.  He warmed my heart by requesting an ahi salad at Lazy Dog.  Yes, a salad.  So endearing!

We share the ahi salad (above), and Darrell orders extra ahi.  
Halfway through lunch I said to myself, "Hey wait a minute!  Did I just get half the lettuce and a full order of meat?"  Yes I did.  I could have just had my own salad and not had to share my lettuce.

You see Darrell's face, above.  He admits his plan.  Such a schemer.

Skin tag update for those who worry (Curt):  Both of Darrell's treated tags look slightly reddish but are holding on.  In my typical medically conservative manner, I'm holding off for another treatment until tomorrow.
Team D., we notice you're not lining up at our front door for your own skin treatment.  We hope you're just too busy having fun today.  We have some openings tomorrow.

Today's Bloom

The backyard Bird of Paradise is blooming again.  You know, the one we manicured so carefully back in the early days of COVID isolation? (Here.)


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