Saturday, October 17, 2020

Love: Getting and Giving

Brain cancer is...

 ...hoping, when it comes to love, that we give as much as we get.

Above is the great ending to another joyful day.  We celebrated LuAnn and Madison’s birthday around LuAnn’s fire pit.  

Behind the camera was John.  From left are LuAnn, Andi, Darrell, Meridyth, Madison, Levon, and Katrina. All other family members were there in spirit.  It was wonderful to sit together—first time since COVID—and, well, sit together.

We packed more fun in today.  Our magic porch recognizes Meridyth.
The park gifted us with a pelican.

LuAnn came, bearing fresh laid chicken eggs, for breakfast.  The eggs were perfect with Christine's banana bread.
 Pedicure and manicure? Real things.
 Strength training party.

Meridyth leaves tomorrow at sunrise.  Boo.

Love:  Giving a Fraction of What We've Gotten
This selfie kiss is for Kim Case.

Kim and Mike Case have been selfie-kissing with us from the beginning.  Their latest blog selfie kiss was at the Grand Tetons in July (here). Here's a Mexican vacation selfie kiss, back in 2017.  
Not only have the Cases been sharing their love with us through their smooches, they've been praying for Darrell, as in this post in 2016.  
In fact, Kim's influence in our lives is reflected throughout the years of entries in this blog.  Here's the post when Kim earned her doctorate, for example. And here's when her daughter graduated with me directing her master's project.   Here's the very first post with Kim's smiling face, just one month after Darrell's diagnosis.

Kim was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which she tells me is highly curable.  Today we received the great news that Kim's surgery and pathology report were positive.  

Kim, we hope you can feel us sending you all of our love right now, love that pales in comparison with all the love, prayers, magic porch holidays, and selfie kisses that you've showered upon us for the past years.  Team D would be nothing without K.  You deserve the best, Kim.  Team K.: put us in Coach! Can't wait for the next round of good news.

When it comes to love, Team D., we hope we give as much as we get.  Are you feeling it?
Today’s Blooms
Q:  When is grass a bloom?
A:  When it's pink!

Muhly grass from Roene


  1. What a day!!! Thanks to my California family. Best wishes Kim. You have a great team. Use it!

  2. Way to go, Big D! Keep up your strength training! Prugs to Kim, Meridyth, and this entire amazing team! xoxo
