Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jump Around!

Brain cancer is...

 ...jumping around!

If Darrell can jump around at the top of the very last hill of a 20-mile walk on a cold day while our team was losing the NFC championship to the detestable Tom Brady, who among us should do less?

Well, I'll start.  This girl is doing less.  She is not jumping around.
Sitting at the finish line

It was a good walk though.  The light was really good for photos, start to finish.  Here are some moments of the day.  


Early morning:  lingering drops from yesterday's rain

Sunny skies over Carbon Canyon

The sky turned dramatic by Yorba Regional Park

Green heron at Craig Park

Final sky drama  to send us home
And now, we eat a whole pizza.

Happy Sunday, Team D!  Jump around!

Today's Blooms
The white pear trees are beginning to blossom.



  1. Incredible! You both are certainly ready for SBS 2021! Here's to the next time Dr. Darrell jumps around! Prugs! xoxo

  2. That was today! More jumping around! You’re jumping with us, I just know it.
