Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mostly Good Tentative News

Brain cancer is...

...holding stable, say tentative reports.

With Zachary's assistance, Darrell sailed through the MRI this morning.  And Zach handled the array change well.

The radiologist's report just came in.  It concludes that there is no appreciable change near the tumor site.  (Recall that, if and when GBM recurs, it tends to be at the site of the original tumor.)  Hurrah! Go Darrell!

The "brain muck" that we have written about in the past, as in this post, seems a bit more prominent in today's MRI.  In the past it was measured at 6 mm.  Today it was measured at 9 mm. 

That means that the muck may indeed be muckier than in the past, but Drs. Tiana and Alex say that's not the only possibility.  For example, the image might just have been through a different, larger, portion of the muck. 

Darrell is not sure how to feel about the muck.  You may remember that Dr. Cloughesy said in the past that he was 99% sure that the muck was not tumor.  It's very far away from the original surgical site, and it has none of characteristics of a tumor.  So our plan is to suspend any emotion about the muck until we can see Dr. Park on Friday and Dr. Cloughesy on Monday.

Despite the MRI events of the day, Darrell carried on.  Everyone works.  Here he is helping me with the signage for the Identity Assemblage after class:

And here he is working at home later:

He completed all this work with quite the sore arm--caused by problems at the injection site.  Warning:  I thought it might be a bit too graphic to post.  Look away, squeamish friends.  But Darrell insists, "Give the people what they want!"  Here it is:


More news after some doctor visits.

Thanks, Everyone! 


  1. Super great, I just love the gore when given the opportunity, bring it on. Team D is strong and we can take it

  2. Darrell says, "Okay, but don't make this post your login page."

  3. Darrell might enjoy the pictures of my incision sights!

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