Sunday, July 16, 2017

Slipping Away to San Diego

Brain cancer is...

..back on the train.

Sure, everyone works. But also everyone plays. Summer and Zach dropped us off at the Fullerton train station this morning for a couple days in San Diego. We are thinking of you and your connections to California's second  largest (and also very beautiful) city. 

Here is our video link for day one. Side note: we haven't checked in yet.  How like life.

Bonus Content

Okay. Darrell's and my birthdays are in August. I like to do difficult things on my birthday. Although I don't often run (thanks, bad knee!), I like to do a--for me--big run on my birthday. Next month I celebrate the double nickels. Wheee!   I will run 5.5 miles. Not a big deal for the runners in the house,  but it is for me. I am at 4.6 miles. Close. No big deal.

The BIG deal is the other double nickels thing: 55 push ups. A growing Big D crowd has committed to tracking push up growth daily, aiming to hit 55 push ups in whatever form challenges the individual.  What's your response? 

A. What's a push up? Be quiet.
B. Yeah. Whatever. I do push-ups whenever I want.
C. I am thinking. Call you later.
D. I am in. Give me access to the Google doc so I can log my progress.

It's whatever. But if you choose D, email me and I will add you to the push up power crowd Google spreadsheet.

Finally, You're wondering: What is Darrell's 57th birthday goal? He plans on crawling (yeah, crawling) 0.57 miles. He says it makes sense. I am NOT in, thus far. But YOU should do it for sure. Contact Darrell directly.


  1. Seriously??? Crawling .57 mile??? Dr. Darrell, you are a BEAST! I will think about it. Hmmmmmm... Done thinking--- sounds way tooooooo hard, but I'm in for the pushups! PRUGS!!! xoxoxo

  2. Dr. Darrell says, "It's all speculation!" But he is going to die trying. He is so ODD! :)
