Friday, December 18, 2020


 Brain cancer is...

...experiencing so much goodness that we needed a new word for the day. (Because still no one has told us we can't do stuff like invent new words.)

Christory.  (Noun.) A period of time (as in a day) that celebrates Christmas and the fact that history is being made simultaneously.


The Awesomeness of Christmas Today
We had a Christmas breakfast celebration with Gordon.  He has cookies from Cookie Bake, Christmas Tree #4, a holiday arrangement, and quite the set of dance moves, obviously.
The three of us started rehearsing our Christmas carol (we all agreed to practice, Dad!). And we had fun putting stickers on his holiday cards.  So much laughter; so much Christmas.

LuAnn gave us very thoughtful gifts.  Audubon Society? Get OUT! And a blood pressure cuff and sharp kitchen knives?  It's like she knows us!  

The Awesome History of the Day
Our family has lots of medical workers.  The first family members got their COVID vaccinations today.  



LuAnn and we, as parents of those medical workers, felt an actual wave of relief to think of our children as a bit safer in the work they do.  

We don't just feel hopeful for our own children, though; we feel the same wave of hope for all the world's children.

Here's to all the world's children being a little safer.

Today's Blooms

LuAnn's aptly named flowers


Canary Flowers (Wait.  There's a bird + flower combination?  Genius.)


  1. So glad that Meridyth and Alex are doing well and have an extra layer of protection to keep them safe. We are all very grateful for the work you do. Prugs! xoxo

  2. Thanks Christine! It didn’t hurt snd no weird reaction!
