Monday, December 14, 2020

Kindness without a Face

 Brain cancer is...

 ...impressed by the kindness of Victor.

Today was "catch up on phone calls and e-errands" day.  Above you see an excerpt of a chat with an employee named Victor.  He sincerely hoped that we and our loved ones (that's you!) are safe and healthy during the pandemic.  We think he really was sincere.  What a touching act of kindness from a stranger!

When our business was concluded, Victor thanked us for being the sweetest customers.  Mmmm hmmm.

Here's to a little bit of kindness, with or without a face. 

Today's Bloom

Our chores kept us inside today; no new flower pic.  However, the first flock of cardinals for our tree arrived already.  That counts?

For bird or story lovers:  We picked cardinals because we saw them on our stop in Arizona during our grand road trip of February 2020.   

For fact lovers:  We couldn't figure out why there were so many cardinal ornaments on Amazon, then we discovered that seven states have cardinals as their state bird.  Arizona is not one.