Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Poster Child

 Brain cancer is...

 ...a local poster child for GBM longevity.

Dr. Park required Darrell's appointment to be in person today.  Darrell's at the Cancer Center, above.  
We hypothesized that Dr. Park wanted to see Darrell in person to take real vitals signs and push on his liver and such (not that we know where his liver is or why it needs pushing, come to think of it).
However, in retrospect, it seemed more important that Dr. Park merely connect with Darrell and tell us, "You don't know how many times a week I tell Darrell's story!"  
No matter how many times Dr. Park tells it, that story just never gets old for us.  Things could change tomorrow--for any of us--but not today. Nothing can take away that super hero/poster child status,  Big D.
Dr. Park agrees with Dr. Cloughesy that, barring changes, Darrell will continue with scans every four months.  We wonder how the world will be different when Darrell has his scan in late March...next year.  

Here's to all the poster children in your lives, Team D!
Today's Blooms


  1. Dear Dr. Park,
    You don't know how many times a week we tell Darrell's story! So glad you are a part of this team.
    Love, Team D

  2. You are spot on Miss Christine. His story is famous with all my friends and new families I meet.. Poster Boy Big D. A lovely name

  3. So many team members should be photo bombing Darrell's poster. Curt and Christine, leaping into the frame from opposite edges!

  4. I tell Darrel’s story every day, too. He is an inspiration to so many...grace, dignity, hard work and good humor.
    I think Dr Park is happy to be part of Darrell’s epic.

  5. That feels good to know, Mer. Thanks for sharing Darell’s story.
