Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sweet and Evolving Traditions

 Brain cancer is...

 ...a behind-the-scenes man for Cookie Bake, always.

There are traditions to be maintained.  Every Cookie Bake, we take a picture of the bakers in front of the Christmas tree.  Darrell's usually behind the camera. 

New times, new Cookie Bake.  As you see, we three bakers (Andi, Hallie, and Ruth) are still in front of "the" tree (at our own homes this year), and Darrell is still off screen.  He and the other spouses are usually part of the baking support team.

Cookie Bake has always evolved with the times.  It started when we three were young moms with three preschool boys in Andi's kitchen.  And then there were six kids, and then they all went away.  And we just kept baking.  So jumping headfirst into our three-kitchen-zoom-Cookie Bake felt very natural and just as joyous as usual.  

It started a few days ago with safely prepping the kits

and swapping kits for other ingredients and presents

before we baked today.

Some added benefits of the virtual format were that we started with tours of our decorations in all three houses and that three of the six kids (plus one new cat, dog, and child of those six kids) joined in the fun on camera for a bit.

What is sweeter?  Traditions and trading stories or sugar cookies?  Let's go with the traditions.

Here's to sweet and evolving traditions!

Today's Blooms

I asked Darrell to pick a flower today.  Here's his choice:

Get it?  Flour?  Flower?

He said, "You know, with Cookie Bake and all!"  Nicely done, baking support team man. Nicely done.

Today's Sunrise

Dang, Beth!

Murrieta California


  1. OMG! I have a new favorite flo(u/we)r! Well done, Cookie Bake team AND those behind the cameras! Thank you for helping me reframe my own family's baking day, also a sweet and evolving tradition! Prugs and happy holidays, Team D! xoxo

  2. Now that you mention it...there is no one on earth who deserves to have FLOUR as a personal FLOWER! We underestimated the number of cookies we would need to eat between meals. Don't make our mistake!
