Monday, April 20, 2020

A Little Help Here?

Brain cancer is...

 ...wondering what the heck this thing is.

We are making solid progress on the Project List.  We went through our kitchen cabinets at the cabin.  Everything made sense except for the device above.

A little help here? Clearly this tool is made to stand on the counter and squish something once the top handle is lowered.  Whatever gets squished gets strained and then poured into some other vessel.  Orange juicer? Tomato squisher?  Unlikely.

We are back down the mountain to begin Cancer Course.  First up:  Darrell's blood draw is tomorrow.

Two Last Views on Our Way Down

We thought our views were great until Melanie--a helicopter flight nurse--sent us her view of the day.  Melanie took a time-lapse video of a flyover of the Las Vegas strip

If you'd like to see an uncharacteristically empty Las Vegas strip, or if you are an adrenaline junky, this 14-second video is for you!

Today's Bloom

Ginger and Tim kept an eye on Craig Park for us in our absence.  Here are today's blooms from Ginger:
If Ginger and I were in the same physical space looking at this photo, we'd be singing the voices of the four flowers in the foreground:  "Laaaaah!"  (You can hear it right?  Go ahead.  You try.)


  1. Thanks to both of you for the thoughts, prayers, and prugs! And Brady, thanks for saying, "let me google that for you!"
