Thursday, April 16, 2020

But We ARE smiling!

Brain cancer is...

 ...having fun with face masks.

We are in San Bernardino County, which requires the use of face coverings outside of home.  So, in addition to all the other safety practices, we're also employing our variety of face masks when we go out. 
Fortunately we've come so far since Darrell's terrifying bunny mask attempt, just ten days ago.

Above (top) you see us smiling through our masks on our walk today.

Then we realized that the few people we saw--from our six-foot distance--didn't know we were smiling at them.  So Darrell invented hand signals.  Here's the signal for a gentle, "have a nice day" smile:

And here's the signal for a full out "Can you believe we're wearing face masks in a forest?" grin:
You might want to hold off on using these signals widely until we conduct our field test for public acceptance.

Next we tried masked selfie kisses:

Two thumbs up!

Finally, we tried the "face mask filtered water" maneuver:
 Not fully successful, but--oddly--not a total failure either.

In case you're not smiling yet, here's the view.
Please know, Loved Ones, that we're smiling as we think of you.

Today's Bloom

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