Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"It's a Beautiful World."

Brain cancer is... complete agreement with Gordon.

Today, for the first time in 5 1/2 weeks, we saw Gordon's face.  Above you see that Gordon's facility procured iPads and now helps the guests FaceTime their loved ones.  Gordon's smile was indeed a sweet, sweet sight.

At one point in the conversation, Gordon said, "It's a beautiful world."  Our hearts are just singing along with his sentiment.

With FaceTime capabilities, Gordon will be able to see his great granddaughter and how she is changing.  Speaking of Nova:  Alex and Tiana are great about keep us apprised of her awesome feats.   Here's a picture of her trying her first fruit today:  Prunes.
Nova and her great grandpa clearly agree:  Prunes are delicious.

We also connected with so many other loved ones today.  But wait!  There's more:  BJ's delivery for date night on the patio.  It's a beautiful world.

Today's Bloom

Today during art, Lilly said, "It's Earth Day and nobody is celebrating." Let's celebrate.  Here's to Earth!

And here's to bees!  According the Google Doodle today, bee pollination makes two-thirds of the world's crops and 85% of its flowers possible. From our walk:

Go little bees!  Respect.


  1. Thank you soooo much for the Gordon pic! I've missed seeing him and his mimosa. Here's to that cheers... soon, hopefully! Enjoy the prunes, Nova!
    ~Prugs to all~ xoxo

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  3. Isn't that photo like rain after a drought? Thanks for appreciating. One round of prune mimosas for the house, please.
